
Designing Global Customer Service Platforms

Let's Assume an organization's presence is global and it offers multiple products across the globe.

How to implement a common global platform for all customer services inquiries using a software product.


What are the common challenges you can come across:

1. Business Operating Model could be different for various reasons .


    Customer Care Number is different for each country

     Customer service email could be different for each country

2. Country /region related regulatory requirements.

     legal requirements



3. Recent regulatory requirement - Data residency /localization

4.Timezones difference - Database vs UI screens

5. Holidays ( working days).

6. Customer data /product data source could be managed in different regions  by different teams and in different data models (No standardization - Another focus area)

What are the common requirements /approaches :

1. Define the workflow ( business operating model).

2. Identify the Actors involved.

3. Identify the communication channels.

4. Define SLA's and escalation models.

Now we know the challenges and requirements at very high level and next step is which software product we should use Buy VS Build.

Now coming to Buy part- sales rep's can present their product  will address all challenges and fulfills all your requirement needs. In the small font there will be a warning note says that you are responsible to do the gap analysis.

The major mistake the organization can make here is overlooking the features and finalizing the product. 

The e2e GAP analysis so critical and it's the responsibility of team who finalizes the product. Apart from the gap analysis  you need to consider  other factors like   scalability, stability ,resilience , customization ,maintainability, usability , time to market  and many more etc ..